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3 ways CBD can help you create a more balanced state of energy | Hara Flow

3 ways CBD can help you create a more balanced state of energy | Hara Flow

3 main areas in our lives help us to achieve more balanced energy and function to our fullest. Movement and recovery, focus, and sleep are some of the key ingredients to make sure your body is functioning at its highest level. 

Although the recipe is simple, achieving all three can sometimes feel a bit out of reach. With CBD seemingly everywhere these days, it's not hard to wonder if it might just help. If you've found yourself a little CBD-curious lately, you're in the right place. We're breaking down the benefits to understand how it's helping people worldwide and if it might just be a fitting addition to your wellness routine. 

Moving every day has been shown to improve every part of your body, from your brain to your joints. Plus, research suggests that daily exercise can significantly impact both your physical and mental health. 

Train Hard & Recover Quickly

It’s the mantra of athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and health conscious people everywhere.  Whether you’re a former NCAA athlete like HARA co-founders Drizzy and Brody or just trying to keep your body in motion, you know recovery is an essential ingredient in staying active.  Daily movement helps to promote better sleep, keep your digestive system running smoothly and even boosts brain power. 

You may already know that CBD is short for Cannabidiol and is a naturally occurring ingredient found in industrial hemp and cannabis. But did you know that It boasts an array of powerful benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties?

Research also suggests that CBD has anti-catabolic properties, meaning it can help reduce lean muscle tissue breakdown. 

With its wide variety of potential benefits, it's no secret it's quickly become a favorite amongst trainers and athletes, including Olympic Gymnast Gabby Douglas. 

In a recent interview, Douglas said,

 "My experiences in using CBD have led me to believe 

that I could have been more pain-free throughout my 

gymnastics career if CBD had been allowed...I am 

glad that athletes across all Olympic sports will now

have the opportunity to use these products and

 hopefully experience their benefits."

And she's not alone; UFC Fighter Yair Rodriguez also reports that using CBD has helped him speed up recovery times tremendously. 

Sleep better so you can optimize your recovery at night

A good night's sleep is an essential part of feeling happy and well-balanced. It plays a vital role in your physical health, and in some cases, an ongoing lack of sleep can lead to a myriad of health problems. 

Yet one-third of all Americans report suffering from lack of sleep, according to the National Sleep Foundation.  

If you're familiar with cannabis, then you know there is a long-standing relationship between the potent plant and sleep, but what about the non-intoxicating CBD specifically? Research suggests that trouble falling asleep and staying asleep is caused by an increase in cortisol, the stress hormone, within the body. CBD helps to create a calming effect, naturally decreasing cortisol levels. In one recent sleep study, researchers also found that CBD brought about a "calming effect in the central nervous system." according to Medical news today. 

Maintain a more Focused Workflow

"What should I make for dinner? When are my taxes due again? Oh, I should definitely start that project as soon as I'm done with this; Shoot, did I drink enough water today." It's an all too familiar narrative when you're sitting behind your laptop just trying to get that last piece of work done for the day.  It's easy to catch your mind wandering, maybe even racing, especially when you have a lot on your plate. When you combine that with increased stress levels and lack of sleep, it can feel like a recipe for productivity paralysis.  

Some research suggests that decreased dopamine levels and increased cortisol levels can make us feel well, out of focus. In contrast, a positive mindset makes you eager to work and complete tasks. Being happy also makes you more confident when making decisions. 

CBD has been shown to have neuroprotective properties to help brain function and uplift mood benefits because of its affinity for serotonin receptors. According to a recent report from Medical News Today, low levels of serotonin may also influence the symptoms of brain fog.

When all of the cannabinoids are working together, as seen in full and broad-spectrum hemp products, it works within your body to create what is called the entourage effect. This can help to promote homeostasis within the body, which occurs when all the body's systems are in balance. Our bodies have a system of cannabinoid receptors called the ECS, or endocannabinoid system. The ECS is a network inside our bodies that helps maintain physiological, emotional stability as well as regulating many other functions. 

In conclusion, if you're looking to take your wellness and fitness routine to the next level, CBD might just be the answer. The benefits of this power packed plant can help you to create a more balanced state of energy by helping to enhance movement and recovery, focus, and sleep.

If you’re ready to learn more about adding CBD to your wellness routine, click here to shop now.